With many of these ventures losing money, their capital is being eroded at a time when the China Insurance Regulatory Commission is raising capital requirements. 鉴于其中许多合资企业陷入亏损,在中国保监会(circ)提高资本金要求之际,它们的资本金正受到侵蚀。
But the China Insurance Regulatory Commission has hinted that it could soon relax restrictions, allowing other domestic providers into the market as a first step. 但中国保险监督委员会(circ)已暗示,可能不久会放松限制,首先将允许其它国内供应商进入该市场。
The above records shall be submitted to the labor insurance supervisory commission. 前项书表,应送劳工保险监理委员会。
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange decides, after negotiation with the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, to allow the insurance companies to engage in domestic interbank foreign exchange borrowing ( lending) business. 经商中国保险监督管理委员会,国家外汇管理局决定允许保险公司开办境内外汇同业拆借业务。
One bank and three commissions: the general headquarters of people's Bank of china, China Securities Regulatory commission, China Insurance Regulatory commission, China Banking Regulatory commission. 一行三会:中国人民银行总行、国证券监督管理委员会、国保险监督管理委员会、国银行业监督管理委员会。
Yesterday, the Insurance Association of China issued by China Insurance Regulatory Commission commissioned the development of life insurance contracts standard clauses, recommended by industry. 昨天,中国保险行业协会受保监会委托制定发布寿险合同的标准条款,推荐行业使用。
For those who fail to fully pay the registered capital or working capital, China Insurance Regulatory Commission shall not grant approval to their application for operation of new business. 未缴足注册资本或者营运资金的,对于其开展新业务的申请,中国保监会不予批准。
The country's current insurance coverage is unable to offer adequate compensation for losses from catastrophes, statistics from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission ( CIRC) showed. 根据中国保监会的数据显示,国内现有的保险险别范围并不能够对由于灾害带来的损失提供足够的赔偿。
At least 17m American adults are in households with no bank account, according to a 2009 survey from the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission. 根据联邦储蓄保险委员会2009年的一项调查,至少1700万美国成年人所在的家庭没有银行账户。
Cost insurance freight and commission interest 到岸价格加佣金和利息
The insurance agent receive a commission on every policy that he sell. 保险代理人每卖出一张保险单便可得到一笔佣金。
Focusing on these questions, CIRC ( China Insurance Regulatory Commission) has given warning and guidance for multiple times. 针对这些问题,中国保监会曾多次发出提醒和指导意见。
China Insurance Regulatory Commission is relaxing the regulations about fund application respect of the insurance progressively, the fund of the insurance will be used in the investment of various kinds of forms more and more. 目前中国保险监督委员会正在逐步放松对保险资金运用方面的管制,保险业的资金将越来越多地用于各种形式的投资。
In November, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission was specially organized to be responsible for regulation and supervision on the insurance industry. 1998年11月,专设了中国保险监督管理委员会,专门负责对保险业进行监管。从而建立健全了我国的分业经营和分业监管的金融运行模式。
Secondly, any unfair competition in insurance industry should be put on the right track by the governmental body of industry and commerce administration and the Insurance Supervision Commission under the State Council in accordance with Anti-unfair Competition Law and Insurance Law. 第二,对保险业不正当竞争行为的规制,应该结合《反不正当竞争法》和《保险法》的有关规定,分别山工商行政管理部门和国务院保险监督委员会依法实施。
In or-der to establish the exiting guarantee system of insurance market, CIRC ( China Insurance Regulatory Commission) issued IGFMA ( In-surance Guarantee Fund Management Act) in 2004, while our new bankruptcy law is being vividly portrayed. 为建立保险市场的退出保障机制,2004年底保监会颁布实施了《保险保障基金管理办法》。
According to the data of March 2010 from China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the number of foreign property insurance companies has grown from 12 in 2004 to 18 in 2010. 据统计,国内外资财产保险公司从2004年初的12家发展到了2010年的18家(中国保险监督委员会2010年3月数据)。
By October 2009, China Insurance Regulatory Commission published that there were 47 life insurance companies in China at that time. 截至09年10月,保监会公布目前在中国共有47家从事寿险营销的保险公司,公司数量较几年前翻倍,竞争越来越激烈。
Therefore, how to make reasonable premiums which can both satisfy regulatory requirement of China Insurance Regulatory Commission and maintain competitive in price has become the highlight of actuarial science. 如何合理厘定保险产品的费率,使之既能满足监管要求,又能体现价格竞争力,已经成为精算技术所要解决的首要问题。
In 2003, as China Insurance Regulatory Commission adjusting the policy to the business of the motor insurance, every property insurance company began to design new motor insurance policy, determine motor insurance premium and draw up agent system by themselves. 2003年,随着中国保监会对车险业务监管政策的调整,各家财产保险公司开始自行确定车险品种、自行厘定车险费率、自行制定车险代理人制度。
This section focuses on the basis of support Chengdu serious medical mutual aid supplement insurance, commission insurance company managers. 本部分着重讨论了支撑成都市大病医疗互助补充保险委托保险公司经办的依据。
Supreme Court and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission approved the opinion that the insurance company does not undertake insurance liability in drunken driving. 最高人民法院和中国保险监督管理委员会的批复意见是醉酒驾驶等情况保险公司不承担交强险的赔偿责任。
But today there are no laws having definite clauses about how to distribute and adjust the function of anti-monopoly between the anti-monopoly administration and insurance regulatory commission. So we need to demonstrate this problem in theory. 而反垄断监管职能在保监会和反垄断执法机关之间如何配置和协调,现行法律并未做出明确规定,这也需要在理论上进行论证。
At the same time, Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission ( CIRC) is also actively involved in the formulation of the new insurance contract criteria. Combined with the actual situation of Chinese insurance industry, CIRC has made a lot of constructive comments on the disclosure of information. 与此同时,我国保监会也积极参与到新的保险合同准则的制定工作,并结合我国保险业的实际情况,在信息披露上提出了很多建设性的意见。
To satisfy the needs of developing life insurance industry and provide more efficient environment, insurance regulatory commission recently starts the interest rate liberalization process. 保监会于近期启动预定利率市场化进程也是为了适应寿险业的发展诉求,为寿险公司提供更灵活、更有效率的发展环境。
According to the data from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Web site terms, the insufficient solvency of insurance companies account for about 11.7% of the total number of insurance companies, the Insurance Solvency become a hot issue to discuss community once again. 由保监会网站上的数据来看,偿付能力不足的保险公司约占保险公司总数的11.7%,保险偿付能力再次成为社会各界讨论的热点问题。
Enterprise system ethics governance: 1 、 in salary system implemented the policy commission long-term system or eventually period is made, but to relative reduce early insurance commission percentage, especially the commission percentage. 企业制度伦理治理:1、在薪酬制度上实行保单佣金的长期制或是终期制,但要相对的减少前期的保险佣金比例,尤其是首期的佣金比例。
After a series of research of China Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency, a new pilot began since 2007. 经过保监会和环保总局的一系列的调研、考察后,新的试点工作自2007年开始。